Sep 03 2009 | Tags: Leadership Development, Emotional Intelligence
Self-Reliance & Leadership
What is the single most important signature strength for creating emotional wealth?
You guessed it….. Self-Reliance
The journey to becoming an emotional capitalist starts with accepting responsibility for yourself and your leadership role. It is essential that you decide to believe in the value of who you are and what you have to offer. Once you make this decision the emotional centres of your brain release an emotional energy that motivates you to lead as if what you are doing is the most important thing in the world.
All organisations need people like this – individuals who can articulate a shared idea of why they exist, who they are and where they are going. There remains a continual need for leaders who are self-reliant and independent at their core. Men and Women with solid levels of self-reliance and self-belief are emotional independent, which means they can formulate and clarify vision and values and leverage the talent of others to achieve their full potential. Developing and expressing independence enables you to become the catalyst that drives the change you want to see in your business.
Today, providing direction is no longer a matter of command and control- and leaders who are still busy telling people what to do have already ceased to lead. Instead, leadership means accepting responsibility for providing a focus that allows and encourages people to concentrate on what really matters.
3 Strategies to develop your self-reliance
- Remind yourself that you are a leader and have been called to do the work of leadership – act the part
- Become the ‘chief storytelling officer’ by regularly repeating the story of what the business is trying to achieve, and emphasise how each person fits into the big picture
- Build your self-efficacy by celebrating small wins, recognising small achievements and commemorating milestones – all the time